Campaign Author Notes Rating Missions Downloads
TANKS ADVANCINGrncynStart of Campaign messageNot yet rated663
MISSIONSDeadeyePvPRandom things i threw together. Enjoy.Not yet rated762
THE ATTACT phelpster123you know what needs to be done!Not yet rated458
THE GREAT WARJdawgW7Men of the 7th Marine Division, you are about to embark on the great crusade to save our country! Fight Hard! Fight True!Not yet rated11193
PRISON ARMY littlewrigs$$Start of Campaign message have funNot yet rated171
DER KRIEG121212e7der krieg100%5104
WW2 POLEN121212e7das ist der2 weltkrieg mit deutschlandNot yet rated891
FUN-Geo13692-Start of Campaign messageNot yet rated666
HEATED BATTLES-Geo13692-This campaign includes some very hard battles on many maps.Not yet rated11108
THE FALL OF GREECEAmosBraxton2001Fighting from the view of Greek generals during the pursian invation.Not yet rated7126

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